Power of Three I’ve mentioned before that if you are doing a presentation, there is a power of three. For instance, on a page supporting a given idea, only have three bullets. Not two, not five, but three. This sermon is titled “Short and Sweet.” you might say three concise bullets are exactly that, “short…
Tag: Jesus
Everything Old Is New Again
Old Testament or New Testament Let’s pretend that right now I said, “Instead of a sermon, we are going to read the Bible for an hour.” Would you want to spend that hour reading the Old Testament or the New Testament? [Wait for answers. ] Why? [Wait for answers.] I think in a crowd of…
There Can Be Only One
In Search of Connor MacLeod Who is Connor MacLeod? No…he’s not a real person…but a movie character. Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod. Who is he? He’s the fictional hero in the sci-fi film, “The Highlander.” Beyond having one of the most awesome movie soundtracks of all time thanks to Queen, it has an interesting…
Forgiveness in a Social Media World
Kevin Hart Anyone familiar with Kevin Hart and the Oscars? Short version is that the comedian, Kevin Hart, was chosen to host the Oscars this year. Some folks looked through his Twitter history and found some old jokes that could be taken negatively against homosexuals. Tweets from back from 2009 to 2011. He apologized. Do you…
This Generation
Being Held Accountable Let’s hop directly into Scripture today, turning Ezekiel 18:19-20: 19 “Yet you say, ‘Why should not the son suffer for the iniquity of the father?’ When the son has done what is just and right, and has been careful to observe all my statutes, he shall surely live. 20 The soul who sins shall…
Yankee Swap
Your All Time Favorite Christmas Gift Christmas is how many days away kids? Part of today, all of tomorrow…so just two days! Everyone…what is your favorite Christmas gift ever? One that causes you to smile whenever you think back about it? Growing up, there was a period where everything I wanted was G.I. Joe related…but…
18 Years 10 Now he was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath. 11 And behold, there was a woman who had had a disabling spirit for eighteen years. She was bent over and could not fully straighten herself. 12 When Jesus saw her, he called her over and said to her, “Woman, you are freed…
Jesus Derangement Syndrome
Hate If you are on social media and you see the acronym, TDS, what does it mean? Trump Derangement Syndrome. Now…don’t worry…this is not going to be a political sermon. However, Trump Derangement Syndrome came to mind after I recently read the story of Lazarus. However, before we review a portion of that… What is…
You Still Don’t Know Me?
Introduction Has anyone here ever been friends with someone very long…close friends… And then, one day, they ask a question or make a statement that makes you scratch your head, turn to them, and ask… “You’ve known me this long, and you say that?” They should know better than that! If you’ve ever been in…
Is Jesus God?
Last Week Last week’s sermon, “Your a God,” taught three things: We are not gods Something isn’t Christian just because it sounds like it The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is not Christian I also mentioned that I wasn’t trying to rag on the Mormon church…however, they are a denomination that actually believes…
Baby Jesus, Did You Know?
Away in a Manger I’m not sure I would say it is in my top three, but I really like Christmas carol, “Away in a Manger.” We all know its first verse, right?: Away in a manger, no crib for his bed, The little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head; The stars in the…
Anticipating the Arrival
Just Can’t Wait! Have you ever really, really looked forward to something? Looked forward to it so much you just couldn’t wait…and it seemed to take forever? What was it? A trip to some exotic place? Your wedding day? Something else? Christmas? Kids, when I was your age I just couldn’t wait for Christmas. It…
Light as a Feather
Light as a Feather Overloaded Do you feel overloaded by life? That there is too much expected out of you by your boss? That there is too much expected out of you by your friends? That there is too much expected out of you by your family? That there is too much expected out of…
Augie’s Sermon on the Second Coming
Two of Two This is the second in a pair of sermons…and as with last week…kids I want you to pay special attention…as they said in the military, “Eyes front!” 🙂 Do you remember the name of last week’s talk? That’s right, “Augie’s Sermon on the Cross,” where we learned why Jesus had to die….
Augie’s Sermon on the Cross
Choosing a Sermon Topic Kids…as best as you can…this week I need you to pay attention. No, I won’t make you put everything away…but you’ll shortly understand why this week and next you shouldn’t tune me out. So… Do I have your attention?! I said… Do I have your attention?! 🙂 Early this week I…