If you have never read through the whole Bible, you should. If you have, you should again. 🙂
The listing below if via a new (free) WordPress module I (Alan) have built…it’s in an early “beta” stage…so please have some patience and contact me if you run into any trouble (or have suggestions).
Want to share a simple & short link to this page? http://66.traditor.es will work. Want to download and/or print the plan? Adobe Acrobat PDF (http://traditor.es/66pdf) and Microsoft Excel (http://traditor.es/66xls) versions are available. (Thanks for the request Arnetta!)
Other plans: All 66 (Mobile) · NT Only · NT Only (Mobile).
Credit to Logos Bible Software for building the reading plan (and allowing it to be pushed to iCal) and to Biblia.com for providing a target for the links so people can read the verses on-line.
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