Beginnings Beginnings. What do you say at beginnings? At a birth? At a wedding? At the formation of a new congregation in the body of Christ? Do you… Ignore it and move on to the tactical needs of life? Quickly recognize the occasion and move on? Slow down and take the time to truly, fully…
Tag: Church
Church Discipline in the Internet Age
In yesterday’s post, “In Defense of Braxton (I.E. What I Think About Ergun Caner),” I stated: However, I don’t think Christendom has come to terms with applying Matthew 18 in a Internet world where, it seems, pretty much everything we do is in public. This is what I was referring to in the Book of…
Differences Between the Two Largest Presbyterian Denominations
You may have heard that the Presbyterian Church (USA) just moved to divest of three companies doing business connected with Israel (strike 1) and to allow their ministers to bless same-sex marriages (strike 2). However, this comparison of them and the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) shows they, from a Christian and biblical sense, struck…
Good “Happy Easter” News
Some good "Happy Easter" news: "China on course to become ‘world’s most Christian nation’ within 15 years" And, on this day we celebrate the empty tomb, may we all be as wise as those described by… Officially, the People’s Republic of China is an atheist country but that is changing fast as many of its…
A Wedding and a Funeral
As many of you are probably aware, the reason Michelle, Augie, and I are here because of a planned marriage. It is institution that goes back to the very beginning of human time. How do we know that? Because of an interesting conversation between our Lord and Savior and some first century religious leaders: 3 And…
Please Return to the catholic Church
Happy Birthday President Taft! According to The Old Farmer’s Almanac, today is the birthday of our 27 President, William Howard Taft. If he were still alive, he’d be a spritely 157 years old. Not only that, but it’s the birthday of: Tommy Lee Jones (66) Oliver Stone (66) Dan Marino (51) Prince Harry (28) Agatha…
And Who Is My Brother?
Narrowing Down Our Responsibilities I assume most of us here today are very familiar with the story of the good Samaritan. To conserve time we won’t read it all, but let’s turn together to Luke 10:25-29 and see what led up to it: 25 And behold, a lawyer stood up to put him to the test,…
Church Bulletin Goulash
I had hoped to write this bulletin with Augie. I didn't know if it would work (never tried it before), but I figured that if he and I pulled it off it would be one of my best. Everything goes better with Augie. 🙂 Alas, I also made the mistake of convincing him to try…
I’m Not the Church Lady, But…
The Moral of the Lindsey Stone Story If you are active on social networks, there is a decent chance you heard the story of Lindsey Stone from people posting notes of complete outrage at something she did. An article from November 21 on BostInno gives a good summary of what happened before and after Lindsey’s…
“Two rival religions? … The real struggle is between Christianity and Post-Christianity.”
There is a very interesting article by Albert Mohler that is worth your time titled, “Two Rival Religions? Christianity and Post-Christianity.” Not only does it explain why it is near impossible to convince a liberal Christian of something outside their worldview, but it (in great respect) puts into words how secularism is itself a religion with…
SDMF and Hell’s Angels
Although I can appreciate almost any style of music that includes a melody, I am especially drawn to tunes with heavy guitars. Over the years, Ozzy Osborne has had a knack for not only putting out songs with great guitars—he also attracts especially talented guitarists. (For those not familiar with Ozzy, he first became famous…
Sanctified Smugness
Many of the folks I follow on Twitter are Calvinists. I personally believe in free will, but do grant that they have ample evidence for their predestination views. I just weigh the evidence in toto differently. As someone who is thus the recipient of it, I have noticed a certain smugness in what quite a…
Pacifiers and Hearing Aids
Captain Francesco Schettino Has anyone here heard of Captain Franscesco Schettino? Why he is famous…or rather…why he is infamous? It is because he was captain of the Costa Concordia cruise ship that sank of the Tuscan coast this past January…a captain who decided to save his own scalp and hop into a lifeboat instead of…
Don’t Let an Earthquake Stop You
Series Finales As I considered what I would talk about for my final sermon before the Antrim Church…well at least for now…never say never 🙂 As I considered what I would preach about I had multiple options. First, I could have just continued my “Dear Least Important Church…” series, and you could be listening now…
Mystery Theater (Colossians 1:24-2:5)
OTR How many here know what the acronym OTR stands for? Now…before I asked that question I figured I’d better do a Google search to make sure that there wasn’t some other meaning even more common than the one I’m used to…and visiting Wikipedia I found that…in part…it can also mean: Ótr, a dwarf in…