Now, I caution Christians not to jump on the bandwagon whenever a scientist, archeologist, or other scholar says something that confirms a Christian belief, but it was kind of neat to read the title of an article that said, “All humans are descended from just TWO people…” The article said (in part): Scientists surveyed the genetic…
Tag: Creation
In the Beginning “In the beginning…” Are there any more famous words than “in the beginning”? Let’s turn back to “in the beginning” and look God’s handiwork: 1 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the…
Returning to the First New Year’s Day
How Many? Just curious…how many New Year’s Days do you think there have been? [Wait for answers.] Personally, based on the Bible, I think it has been less than ten thousand. I know that seems to contradict the geological record and other scientific evidence of the age of the universe, but science also cannot explain…
The Tenacity of Life
During today’s visit to Red Rocks Park I was reminded that no matter how much destruction sin has wrought… God created life to be amazingly tenacious… The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork (Psalm 19:1, English Standard Version).
Why Do We Assume a God…?
Before an article I posted earlier today, I wrote this on Facebook and Twitter: Why do we assume a God who can create time can only create it from the beginning forward? On Facebook my friend Terrance commented: Elaborate !!! Sounds Interesting To which I responded:
God is Dead (Again) had to know they were going to grab some attention a tile like this for an article: “The Big Bang Didn’t Need God to Start Universe, Researchers Say” And the beginning of the piece doesn’t disappoint: SANTA CLARA, Calif. — Our universe could have popped into existence 13.7 billion years ago without any divine…
3,000 Miles and the Tower of Babel
This past weekend I was able to successfully take my wife's Nissan Cube on a 3,000 mile road trip from New Hampshire to California. Even during the dead of winter, the landscapes visible from a northern route on American interstates was amazing. Perhaps more remarkable, however, was the fact that over 72 hours I was…
Out of Nothing
A quick aside… As most everyone sitting here knows, Augie's full name is Augustine—named after Augustine of Hippo, a famous theologian who lived from 354 to 430 A.D. However, some people don't think it should be pronounced uh-gus-ton, but instead aww-gus-steen. At night when I fall alseep…or wake up and need to go back to…