Facebook Recently, I stirred up a bit of controversy on Facebook with this post: I am a live and let live kind of guy (so I will support your freedom of religion), but the Bible does not have kind words for witchcraft, and for those practicing it, it’s at best a Monkey’s Paw (with eternal…
Tag: Christmas
Merry Christmas (2016)
It is past midnight here in Strasburg, Colorado…so we have crossed into Christmas Day. In a world where minute-by-minute (and overall) life can seem quite askew…Christmas reminds us of a Savior that came to set everything right. To bring peace on earth and goodwill to men. Merry Christmas and our love to all!
Merry Christmas!
The stockings are emptied; the gifts are open. What remains is more important: time with loved ones. Perhaps the greatest gift the Lord gave us in 2015 is a new home in a new town. From the first day we visited Strasburg, Colorado, we have seen the beauty of its land and its people. That…
Christmas Album “Must Haves” (2015 Version)
I seem to do this post later and later each holiday season…but I did start listening to Christmas music earlier in 2015! 🙂 Either way, here is my annual “Christmas Album ‘Must Haves.’” Year-to-year it doesn’t vary much, but I’ve added a few, reorganized a bit, and made sure the links are up-to-date. Also, everything…
Wishing You a Crazy Christmas
Last night I saw some posts on Facebook where people lamented they were having trouble getting into the Christmas spirit. I cannot claim to have that issue given, this year, I created a somewhat popular Christmas radio station and…of course!…have provided my yearly Christmas album must haves. 🙂 However, over the past day or so as I thought…
Christmas Album “Must Haves” (2014 Version)
Another Thanksgiving has past, which means I can openly listen to Christmas music again! Time now for my yearly list of Christmas album “must haves”…which is alway last year’s with some tweaks. I mean, you don’t honestly expect my taste in Christmas music to change drastically year-to-year do you?! 🙂 Now…before I unveil this year’s…
Cloverton’s “Hallelujah”
I am a traditionalist when it comes to Christmas music, but I am very proud to break that habit with the addition of five songs by Cloverton to the Countdown2.Christmas Radio playlist. I’m sure a lot of it is Lance Stafford’s unique voice, but I can’t say enough about how the whole band takes Christmas…
Video of the Week
Okay, I know I haven’t been doing these weekly…and that it’s a bit early for this one…but boy do I love it when Mark Lowry and the Gaither Vocal Band sing “Mary Did You Know?”… [youtube=http://youtu.be/iseLqbcqGOg&w=512&rel=0]
Like Christmas Music? Try radio.countdown2.christmas
Our sister Christmas site is countdown2.christmas, and it now has it’s own Christmas music station thanks to Radionomy! Although a bit more is mixed in, its playlist is based on our “Christmas Album Must Haves”. Trust me, it’s the best Christmas music on this planet :-), so you should give it a listen: http://radio.countdown2.christmas (Yes,…
When I should have been relaxing, I grabbed a new .christmas domain and made a countdown to Christmas (countdown2.christmas) site for those of us who wish Christmas was year-round. 🙂
“…Being Born in the Likeness of Men…”
In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. This was the first registration when Quirinius was governor of Syria. And all went to be registered, each to his own town. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the town of Nazareth, to Judea, to the…
A Johnny Cash Christmas
Well, after that last post you deserve something back in the right spirit… [youtube=http://youtu.be/jHuFslG6JAQ&w=512&rel=0] Hat tip to Ace of Spades HQ. Merry Christmas!
12 Days of Christmas Mashed-Up
Not a religious Christmas music performance, but entertaining… [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Fe11OlMiz8&w=512&rel=0] Hat tip Hot Air. Happy Christmas Eve everyone!
Christmas Album “Must Haves” (2013 Version)
One of the things I love most about Thanksgiving is that I can stop being clandestine about playing Christmas music. 🙂 This year’s list is pretty much last year’s list because, sadly, no new Christmas albums came out in 2013 that interested me greatly. However, this has become an annual list…and I’ll sneak in a…
Christmas Album “Must Haves” (2012 Version)
My list of Christmas album “must haves” are pretty much the same as last year. Let’s just say that…err…being under-employed means Ramen Noodles are a better purchase with a few bucks then even the most inexpensive Amazon MP3 download…although I have convinced my wife to at least let me spend a couple dollars. 🙂 First,…