The Beatles I can’t say I was ever much of a Beatles fan. They broke up before I started really enjoying music…and, other than a few of their tunes like “Hey Jude,” “Yesterday,” and “Come Together,” none were my favorites. However, they did one song that is fitting for this sermon: Love, love, love Love,…
Tag: Love
Now That Its Over
Lazarus Let’s jump right into Scripture today. Well, first a bit of background. Jesus’ good friend Lazarus dies while Jesus is away. Jesus gets the news and stays another two days. There is no question. Lazarus is dead. Fully, truly dead.
Dividing God
I have been blessed with the opportunity to lead the tween/teen class for church, and the material I’ve been provided is very good. However, in today’s lesson (based parts of Amos) it appeared to separate God’s judgment and discipline from God’s love. I think this is a mistake. I love my 7 year-old more than…
An Entry from the Tone Police Manual
If you click on the image you can see a larger version of this entry from the Tone Police Manual (1 Corinthians 13:4-7): You can read more about the Tone Police here. (The complete Tone Police Manual is readily available…it’s the Bible. :-))
Assuming the Best in a Skeptic’s World
Although I’ve been trying to behave and not spend my birthday surfing the web (since I am blessed with a family that is far better than anything the Internet can offer), this tweet intrigued me: I took it as Ravi Zacharias endorsing the statement…a head scratcher for me. So, I followed the link to…
I Do Not Remember…
Mark, I do not remember how it was to live with you the first five years of my life… But I do remember you spanking me—not as cruel torture by a decade older brother—but as a kind sibling helping his frequently-disciplined younger brother no longer feel pain when he got spanked by his parents. Mark,…
And Who Is My Brother?
Narrowing Down Our Responsibilities I assume most of us here today are very familiar with the story of the good Samaritan. To conserve time we won’t read it all, but let’s turn together to Luke 10:25-29 and see what led up to it: 25 And behold, a lawyer stood up to put him to the test,…
SDMF and Hell’s Angels
Although I can appreciate almost any style of music that includes a melody, I am especially drawn to tunes with heavy guitars. Over the years, Ozzy Osborne has had a knack for not only putting out songs with great guitars—he also attracts especially talented guitarists. (For those not familiar with Ozzy, he first became famous…
Would Jesus Use Facebook?
As an avid user of Facebook it would seem especially important for me to answer this article’s title. However, I’ll admit that I never slowed down enough to ask myself its question; instead it only came to mind when a friend (in a Facebook message) mentioned that "since joining Facebook [she has] often wondered if…
A Father’s Hand
More often then not, when I run errands close to home I am joined by a most affable companion. For instance, if I ask Augie if he would like to go to T-Bird I am guaranteed a hearty "Yes please!" At this point whenever he sees me throwing on shoes and the like, he assumes…
Symphony of Christ, 4th Movement: The Culmination
Recap We are now through three of the Symphony of Christ’s four movements… The Promise In the first we saw the creation of the heavens and the earth; our original parents almost immediately blow it by losing trust in God; and our Lord…instead of giving us the destruction we deserved…giving a promise of a Messiah…
“Jesus loves me (but not you), this I know…” (Part 2)
Part one of this discussion quoted a tweet from Steve, a famous Christian artist who is now also a pastor in Florida. In response to my question whether God loves everyone, this brother in Christ responded that God does not saying, "His love, as is His grace, is salvific & not common." The first half…
“Jesus loves me (but not you), this I know…” (Part 1)
I think most English-speaking Christians are familiar with the children’s song “Jesus Loves Me,” which begins with the words, “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” I’ve appreciated the fact that within our little congregation we don’t consider it unworthy of adult attention, and hymn 1014 in Songs of Faith…