Nativities and New Years As Michelle, the family, and I reflect on this past year…one thing we thank and praise God for is that…after more than a year and a lot of mokyearching, the Lord has brought us into a wonderful family here. I may not be able to remember all your names yet :-),…
Tag: Jesus
Odd Juxtaposition
Every weekday morning when I am home and he has school, I get Augie up and grab the next random book in the series of Arch Books Bible stories. The last article I was reading beforehand on the exercycle was about the alleged“Rape Culture in the Alaskan Wilderness”, but the book was about Jesus raising…
An Anchor for Jimmy Buffet’s Soul
From Twitter: “Where it all ends I can't fathom, my friends. If I knew, I might toss out my anchor.” ― Jimmy Buffett — Amazon Music (@amazonmusic) July 26, 2014 @amazonmusic: “Where it all ends I can’t fathom, my friends. If I knew, I might toss out my anchor.” ― Jimmy Buffett As much as…
Cognitive Dissonance (“Lord, Lord”)
But Who Do You Say that I Am? In my last sermon, “But Who Do You Say that I Am?”…which I preached about a month ago at the Antrim Church of Christ…I spent some time looking at what first century people were saying about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Sadly, most of the biblical…
Did Jesus Waver at the End?
Interesting thought from the introduction to “Theological Essays” (published in 1867) regarding how Jesus showed a couple moments of “distress of mind”: Panegyrists have described the bravery with which some martyrs have endured their sufferings before the eyes of their admirers. Jesus, who suffered not with a view to human applause, but to human consolation…
But Who Do You Say that I Am?
What Is the Most Important Question You Have Ever Been Asked? What is the most important question you have ever been asked? The one that had the greatest impact on your life? The one you are either very glad you answered a certain way, or have long regretted your response to? If you are married,…
Are Your Ears Itchy?
What is the saying? A lie can travel halfway around the world before truth gets its shoes on (or something like that)? “How the ‘Jesus’ Wife’ Hoax Fell Apart” (Subtitled “The media loved the 2012 tale from Harvard Divinity School.”) What is the likelihood the truth will get the same press as the lie? The…
Choose Your Train (You Must)
Recently I heard the track “Dark Passenger” by the group Fozzy. It starts off with: Jesus is my co-pilot Or that’s just what they say But it’s not the Savior Who guides me every day Although the lyrics are a bit ambiguous, and it almost sounds like the anti-hero of the song wants to repent,…
Where You Once Walked
Ministry of Silly Walks Although I didn’t really watch much Monty Python while it was being actively created, I have found a lot of what I have seen pretty funny. Now, by mentioning that show it doesn’t mean I recommend Christians imbibe it indiscriminately. They were talented comedians, but not apparently Christian ones…and there is…
Don’t Be a Sucker
Dear Least Important Church… Before we jump into this week’s sermon I should probably give a quick review of the five that preceded it. Not the chronological quintet, but the previous pentad in the series it is a member of. Today’s “Don’t Be a Sucker” is talk number six in “Dear Least Important Church…,” an…
May the New Year Be the Last!!!!
Taking one last look at Facebook last night, I came across this New Year’s wish from a friend: May the new year be better than the last!!!! And, dear reader, I do hope that is true for you and yours. However, when I first digested those words they came through as: May the new year…
“Mary Had a Little Lamb” Remixed
The Lamb Was Sure to Go… If you’ve ever attempted to learn an instrument…something I’ve tried to do unsuccessfully more than once (a personal focus issue)…there is a good chance you’ve played the children’s song, “Mary Had a Little Lamb.” Actually, even if you aren’t a “wanna be” or real musician, it’s likely you have…
Pondering With Mary
“Dan, we’ll wait for you…” I think most parents have moments where their child makes them proud—where their youngster’s act or accomplishment confirms the thing that every other parent should realize—that there kid is the absolute greatest. 🙂 And I have been blessed by God with four awesome children including what was a surprise addition…
“No Matter What God You Pray To”
From this year’s national Christmas tree lighting: President Obama said Christmas is a time "we celebrate the birth of a child who came into the world with only a stable’s roof to shelter Him." He also made this statement about Christmas: "It’s a message both timeless and universal — no matter what God you pray…
God Will
“Man Will” Versus “God Will” We’ll start off this sermon with a disconcerting set of verses from James…James 4:13-16 to be specific: 13 Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”— 14 yet you do not know…