Expository Preaching I believe I have noted before that I am a topical preacher…meaning I choose a topic and create a biblically-based sermon around it. Many other preachers are expository…meaning they go through books of the Bible verse-by-verse. Which is better? Depends who you ask. 🙂 I’ve seen expository ministers act like it is the…
Author: Alan
Augie’s Sermon on Death
Jeff Beck Yesterday, Larry Pareigis, a music promoter I follow on Twitter, tweeted that it was Jeff Beck’s 73rd birthday.1 Anyone know who Jeff Beck is? Yes, he is a tremendously talented guitarist…famous for his own work…but also (in part) for what he did with singer Rod Stewart. When I read Larry’s tweet, the song…
Divine Compliments
Best Compliment You’ve Ever Been Given? Think for a moment. What is the greatest compliment you have ever gotten? Positive words that would change any bad day to a good one? What was the compliment? When I was in my 20s, I really liked when, without prompting and based solely on my behavior, someone would…
I Have Been Such a Jerk
Birthdays and Twitter Friday was my 53rd birthday…sounds really old, doesn’t it kids? 🙂 However, Lord willing, it is a birthday everyone here…if they haven’t already…will experience. The number 53is special in one way…does anyone know what that is? It’s a prime number! 🙂 And I’ll have to wait six years until the next one….
Cannot Be a Believer Litmus Test
From a post on my personal Facebook account: This article is especially troubling for two reasons. First, it implicitly establishes a religious test for a government appointment, which is unconstitutional. Second, Russell Vought is unable to flat-out say that you are lost without Jesus (although, in fairness to him, he does mention, multiple times, the…
“On Atheism” from a Non-Believer
Although I prefer a less caustic tone, this article about atheism, written by a non-believer is worth a read: “On Atheism” This part is especially interesting: Atheists will argue that atheism is the opposite of religious belief, but that’s what is called a gratuitous assertion. The atheist believes there is no superior being. They have…
Doing Wrong Is Like a Joke to a Fool
Intro Originally, I was going to call this sermon, “How Not to Repent.” However, as I did research for it, its final title, “Doing Wrong Is Like a Joke to a Fool” seemed especially apropos. We’ll see by the end of this talk if you agree. How to Repent We will still end up talking…
God’s Heart or a Warrior’s Heart?
David Let’s immediately open our bibles today and turn to 1 Samuel 13:13-14. Background is Israel’s first king, Saul, is being told by the prophet Samuel that he blew it: 13Â And Samuel said to Saul, “You have done foolishly. You have not kept the command of the LORD your God, with which he commanded you….
The Calvary Is Coming
Westerns Good or bad, my favorite movie genre is action-adventure, but I also really enjoy another one quite a bit…can you guess what it is? Westerns. Often westerns are also action-adventure…but even when they aren’t…there is something about heading back to that day-and-age…and those locations…that I really enjoy. John Wayne is one of my favorite…
Bibles and Temples
A Painful Part of Scripture The recent daily Bible readings have been in a very painful part of Scripture for me as of late…and I’m not specifically talking about the lengthy genealogies in 1 Chronicles I just got past. 🙂 Instead I find the lack of good kings in Israel and Judah disturbing. Basically, after…
He’s Got Your Back
A Tent and a Skunk Many years ago I was sharing a tent with someone…who will remain nameless to protect the guilty :-)…and outside on the campground we heard an animal making noise. I cannot remember exactly what the noise was from, but perhaps the varmint ferreting about in trash. So we peer out of…
A Teachable Moment Since Abel
Cain and Abel Let’s jump right into Scripture today by reading Genesis 4:8-12 together: 8Â Cain spoke to Abel his brother. And when they were in the field, Cain rose up against his brother Abel and killed him. 9Â Then the LORD said to Cain, “Where is Abel your brother?” He said, “I do not know; am…
Rational(izing) Beings
Definitions Have you every heard the term “rational beings”? Humans are rational beings in that we can reason…we are not driven purely by instinct. Although we can overthink things, being called a rational being is a compliment. In most cases you want someone whose brain is engaged before they speak or act. If not, then…
Revenge Versus Reality (Part 2)
Last Week… I immediately started off last week’s sermon reading Romans 12:19. Let’s look at it again: 19Â Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” I noted it seemed pretty straightforward and posited we could extract two clear…
Revenge Versus Reality (Part 1)
Romans 12:19 19Â Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” Has everyone heard those words from Romans 12:19 before? Just in case you haven’t, I’ll repeat them again: 19Â Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath…