Previously… I call this sermon “Time in a Bottle (Redux)” because, back on October 3 of 2010, I did a sermon called “Time in a Bottle.” The title of both talks is based on Jim Croce’s classic love song of the same name…well, minus “Redux” in this one :-)… The first time I started it…
Author: Alan
I Promise
I Love Rainbows I. Love. Rainbows. How about you? And one of the greatest things about living in Strasburg, Colorado is that not only are there quite a few of them, our open fields mean often we can see them end-to-end…resulting in some spectacular views. When you see a rainbow, what does it remind you…
You Have Been Warned
Jeremiah’s Call Today I would like to jump right into Scripture. Is that okay with you? 🙂 Let’s turn to the first chapter of Jeremiah…starting with verse 4…and look how that young man was called: 4 Now the word of the LORD came to me, saying, 5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew…
With life so short And the world so cold It should not be so easy To give up on a friend
“We Can’t Do It Alone”
Beginnings Beginnings. What do you say at beginnings? At a birth? At a wedding? At the formation of a new congregation in the body of Christ? Do you… Ignore it and move on to the tactical needs of life? Quickly recognize the occasion and move on? Slow down and take the time to truly, fully…
King Solomon Versus the Hair Band Poison
King Solomon: For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief (Ecclesiastes 1:18, New International Version). Poison: Yeah sometimes I wish I didn’t know now The things I didn’t know then Yes, the body of Christ is composed from every nation under the sun, and from folks who grew up with…
Failure to Communicate
Weeks ago I heard Guns N’ Roses’ “Civil War” again, which starts off with this famous quote from Cool Hand Luke: What we’ve got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can’t reach. So you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it. Well, he gets it….
Don’t Stop Looking at the Clouds
There was a period in my adulthood where I stopped looking at the clouds. I do not know for sure, but I think it was the stress of a previous job that led to it. Of course, allowing it to do so was my choice, whether or not I realized it. Life still has its…
Rainbows and Skittles
Work has brought me to Honolulu multiple times this year, and I type this in a Hawaii Prince Hotel room. You feel horrible for me, don’t you? 🙂 One thing I love about Hawaii is how often I see rainbows (thanks to sporadic rain showers). The photo in the top left of this article is from this morning,…
Video of the Week
The video of the week this time is for Father’s Day 2016…my good friend David Britt singing “A Father’s Prayer”: [youtube=] And yes, I know I don’t do a video a week. 🙂 Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there!
“The Great Question” About Our Faith
Andrew Klavan begins his “The Great Question” with… Islamism is the great evil of our age, and the great question of our age is whether this foulness is the natural child of Islam itself or a cancer on its body. Given the continual, regular atrocities done in the name of Islam (but that we are…
Orlando (Jesus Wept)
Jesus wept. The shortest verse in the Bible (John 11:35) seems especially apropos given the carnage in Orlando. Those two words remind us that the sinless Son of God deeply cares about the pain we feel. In context, Christ knew He was about to raise Lazarus from the dead, yet… When Jesus saw her weeping,…
God’s Love Causes Goodness
Another great quote from C.S. Lewis’ The Problem of Pain: But God’s love, far from being caused by the goodness in an object, causes all the goodness an object has, loving it first into existence and then into real, though derivative, loveability. God is Goodness. He can give good, but cannot need or get it.
Disbelief Versus Unbelief
Yesterday I ran into a link to an article I think every Christian, especially budding theologians, should read: “Learning skepticism, an essential skill for citizenship in 21st century America” Contrary to what some might argue, doctrine is important. For instance, Jesus is the Son of God; if you do not believe that, you are not…
“Be Nice”
Augie and I were out getting mom birthday cards and gifts…and at the Hallmark Store I couldn’t help but purchase what is pictured here. Now, Michelle liked it so much that instead of it ending up in my office, it’s in her hutch. 🙂 But, how biblically correct is it? Well, I suppose it all…