Light as a Feather Overloaded Do you feel overloaded by life? That there is too much expected out of you by your boss? That there is too much expected out of you by your friends? That there is too much expected out of you by your family? That there is too much expected out of…
Category: Sermon Notes
How You Should Vote in 2016
Don’t Worry IRS When this sermon’s notes go up on the web, if the IRS has a bots that searching for “misbehaving” ministers, then this should set off its alarms since it is titled, “How You Should Vote in 2016.” However, they…and you…don’t have to worry. I am not going to put our tax deductible…
Noah’s Sermon on Our Resurrection
Three of Two 🙂 Last week I started my talk by saying it was the second of a pair of sermons for kids. Basically two of two. This week is three of two. 🙂 The reason we are going to have a third sermon aimed at children is because my heart was drawn to Noah…
Augie’s Sermon on the Second Coming
Two of Two This is the second in a pair of sermons…and as with last week…kids I want you to pay special attention…as they said in the military, “Eyes front!” 🙂 Do you remember the name of last week’s talk? That’s right, “Augie’s Sermon on the Cross,” where we learned why Jesus had to die….
Augie’s Sermon on the Cross
Choosing a Sermon Topic Kids…as best as you can…this week I need you to pay attention. No, I won’t make you put everything away…but you’ll shortly understand why this week and next you shouldn’t tune me out. So… Do I have your attention?! I said… Do I have your attention?! 🙂 Early this week I…
Time in a Bottle (Redux)
Previously… I call this sermon “Time in a Bottle (Redux)” because, back on October 3 of 2010, I did a sermon called “Time in a Bottle.” The title of both talks is based on Jim Croce’s classic love song of the same name…well, minus “Redux” in this one :-)… The first time I started it…
I Promise
I Love Rainbows I. Love. Rainbows. How about you? And one of the greatest things about living in Strasburg, Colorado is that not only are there quite a few of them, our open fields mean often we can see them end-to-end…resulting in some spectacular views. When you see a rainbow, what does it remind you…
You Have Been Warned
Jeremiah’s Call Today I would like to jump right into Scripture. Is that okay with you? 🙂 Let’s turn to the first chapter of Jeremiah…starting with verse 4…and look how that young man was called: 4 Now the word of the LORD came to me, saying, 5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew…
“We Can’t Do It Alone”
Beginnings Beginnings. What do you say at beginnings? At a birth? At a wedding? At the formation of a new congregation in the body of Christ? Do you… Ignore it and move on to the tactical needs of life? Quickly recognize the occasion and move on? Slow down and take the time to truly, fully…
When Kings (Should) Go Off to War
Greetings It has been waaaaaaaay too long since Michelle, Augie, and I have been here at the Antrim Church of Christ…and as I typed up my sermon notes I knew I could confidently say how great it is to see you all. We may live 2,000 miles away for now, but you are still our…
Now that You Have Blown It
New Year’s Resolutions We are 10 days into the new year…and here is hoping that it has started off great for everyone sitting here in front of me. I know the Lord continues to bless my family and me in 2016. How many of you made New Year’s resolutions? [Wait for hands to raise.] Anyone…
The Gospel According to Colt Ford
Introduction During this second opportunity…I should say blessing…the Lord has given me to stand in this pulpit, I am going to do something I am famous…or infamous :-)…for doing at the church in Antrim, New Hampshire I pastored. I am going to preach a sermon based on a popular song. Now, don’t get me wrong,…
“The Baby Jesus Is Going to Open His Eyes”
Nativities and New Years As Michelle, the family, and I reflect on this past year…one thing we thank and praise God for is that…after more than a year and a lot of mokyearching, the Lord has brought us into a wonderful family here. I may not be able to remember all your names yet :-),…
Cognitive Dissonance (“Lord, Lord”)
But Who Do You Say that I Am? In my last sermon, “But Who Do You Say that I Am?”…which I preached about a month ago at the Antrim Church of Christ…I spent some time looking at what first century people were saying about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Sadly, most of the biblical…
But Who Do You Say that I Am?
What Is the Most Important Question You Have Ever Been Asked? What is the most important question you have ever been asked? The one that had the greatest impact on your life? The one you are either very glad you answered a certain way, or have long regretted your response to? If you are married,…