AKA "Slash's Advice for Christian Living" Messages from Secular Songs If any of you have spent time on-line looking at (or listening to) my sermons before arriving here in Pleasanton, you'll notice a good number that are based on songs by secular groups. For instance "What You Need" was based on Aloe Blacc's "Little Miss…
Category: Sermon Notes
Pacifiers and Hearing Aids
Captain Francesco Schettino Has anyone here heard of Captain Franscesco Schettino? Why he is famous…or rather…why he is infamous? It is because he was captain of the Costa Concordia cruise ship that sank of the Tuscan coast this past January…a captain who decided to save his own scalp and hop into a lifeboat instead of…
Facing God and the Face of God (Part 2)
Quick Review For those who weren't here last week…or who have an MTV generation attention span :-)…let's start this week off by doing a quick review of "Facing God and the Face of God (Part 1)." I started off by sharing some pretty disconcerting scriptures, the first of which was Hebrews 9:27: And just as…
Facing God and the Face of God (Part 1)
Seeing What We Haven't Seen Before I just wrapped up a four-part series at the Pleasant View Church of Christ…and after it I find myself returning over-and-over-and-over again to one Scripture in the Bible. It's a verse that I've read multiple times previously without it fully registering in my psyche. I'm assuming that experience is…
What Now?
Quick Review Three sermons have led up to this final talk in my "What" series: "What Went Wrong" — Where we learned that what originally went wrong up in heaven and was tragically repeated down here on earth by its original human inhabitants wasn't some arbitrary rule being broken. Instead, there was a breakdown of…
What Finally Worked
What Finally Worked Quick Review Before I begin the third talk in my four-part "What" Sunday-evening series, I figure it makes sense to quickly review the first two sermons… #1 was "What Went Wrong"…where we learned that sin didn't start here on earth and that what originally went wrong up in heaven (and then went…
What Was Tried
Dispensationalism How many people here have heard of the term "dispensationalism"? My short definition of it would be "God dealt with people differently through the ages." However, I don't have the intelligence gained from a Masters of Divinity, so I suspect that won't show up in any scholarly work, whereas this definition from There Really…
What Went Wrong
Lame Movie Plot Devices Friday night Barry Junior joined me watching a movie that Barry Senior had brought up after I did my sermon, "Heaven…This is Heaven." For those who caught that, you may recall my mention of the Valkyries (val-`keer-ees)…babes on white horses who collected those who died on the battle field. Barry Senior…
And When You Have Turned Again
Sermon Topics On Wednesday I still hadn't settled on a subject for this week's sermon, and since I was hitting up Barry Duke for a potential ride to our 7:15 activities, I also figured I'd ask him if he had any suggestions for a sermon topic. Somehow in the text messages he thought I had…
Heaven…I’m In Heaven
The Palazzo Las Vegas If you preach quite a bit or write bulletin articles, one of the best inspirations for topics are things posted by those you have friended or have followed. I'm not saying that they are a better source of wisdom than the Bible itself—quite the opposite. However, it's amazing how a quick…
Two Trees and a Tomb
Introductions Before I begin my first sermon here at the Pleasant View Church of Christ, I figure it would be good to provide a quick introduction. I imagine most of you either have met me or are aware of me, but I am a recent transplant from New Hampshire…sent out ahead of my family, half…
Don’t Let an Earthquake Stop You
Series Finales As I considered what I would talk about for my final sermon before the Antrim Church…well at least for now…never say never 🙂 As I considered what I would preach about I had multiple options. First, I could have just continued my “Dear Least Important Church…” series, and you could be listening now…
The Debt Collector is Calling (Colossians 2:6-15)
I’m going to throw off the normal flow of my sermons and we are going to immediately read this week’s passage from Colossians. No intro…well, other than the two sentences I just said. 🙂 Let’s turn to Colossians 2:6-15: 6 Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, 7 rooted and built up…
Mystery Theater (Colossians 1:24-2:5)
OTR How many here know what the acronym OTR stands for? Now…before I asked that question I figured I’d better do a Google search to make sure that there wasn’t some other meaning even more common than the one I’m used to…and visiting Wikipedia I found that…in part…it can also mean: Ótr, a dwarf in…
The Invisible Materializing (Colossians 1:15-23)
Star Trek Perhaps others here today also spent too much time while growing up…perhaps even now…watching the original Star Trek series. Assuming you did, when someone mentions “Scotty,” what comes to mind? Do you remember him, after Captain Kirk ordered him to push their engines past their limits, saying something like, “I don’t know how…