He exists. Now, if you are a Christian you already believed that, so it’s not so shocking, eh? If you aren’t a Christian, you don’t believe it anyway. In either case, don’t you feel the article’s title makes this post bait-and-switch? You were promised something amazing and got quite the opposite. You have every reason…
Category: Random
Getting from Point A to Point B
This is cross-posted on qm101.co blog…but I think it is applicable in a Christian context too… I’ve used this analogy at home and at work to encourage people to keep their “eye on the prize.” You want to get from point A to point B. You should be able to go in a straight line….
Odd Juxtaposition
Every weekday morning when I am home and he has school, I get Augie up and grab the next random book in the series of Arch Books Bible stories. The last article I was reading beforehand on the exercycle was about the alleged“Rape Culture in the Alaskan Wilderness”, but the book was about Jesus raising…
Over Our Skis
Although I can’t say I was a fan of much of his managerial approach, in a former job one of our parent company’s Cs had an expression, “over their skis,” for people who were in positions they were not qualified for. (I confess that I always worried that he placed me in that category, although he never…
The Tenacity of Life
During today’s visit to Red Rocks Park I was reminded that no matter how much destruction sin has wrought… God created life to be amazingly tenacious… The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork (Psalm 19:1, English Standard Version).
Burger King and Braxton (“It’s love, in point of fact.”)
Every Saturday since Augie was a toddler, he and I have gone out for a daddy/son only breakfast. As a dad who has travelled and worked too much, it has been an immeasurable blessing. In Antrim, New Hampshire we went to T-Bird (which has a Dunkin’ Donuts); here near Denver Burger King is our normal…
An Anchor for Jimmy Buffet’s Soul
From Twitter: “Where it all ends I can't fathom, my friends. If I knew, I might toss out my anchor.” ― Jimmy Buffett — Amazon Music (@amazonmusic) July 26, 2014 @amazonmusic: “Where it all ends I can’t fathom, my friends. If I knew, I might toss out my anchor.” ― Jimmy Buffett As much as…
In Defense of Braxton (I.E. What I Think About Ergun Caner)
July 29, 2014 update: WordPress notified me that my site had a large increase in traffic today. Checking the stats, it was this post specifically. Not too much later I read on Twitter the likely reason: Braxton Caner is reported to have committed suicide. My heart aches. Pray for Jill and Egun Caner, their family…
Free Will == Brain Background Noise?
The concept of free will could be little more than the result of background noise in the brain, according to a recent study. Okay… According to the research, published in the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, decisions could be predicted based on the pattern of brain activity immediately before a choice was made. Well, looks like…
Minimum Parental Effort
As I looked out of our apartment complex’s exercise club window into the playground I saw a toddler in one of the swings… Her mom gave her a single push while actively chatting on her smart phone (and holding the leash of two dogs which, coincidentally, shouldn’t be in the playground). The toddler had her head turned…
Privacy Isn’t Just for Criminals
“If you’ve got nothing to hide, then…” Isn’t that a popular refrain as authorities continue to incrementally invade our privacy? This is not a political blog; it is a religious one. However, government spying has real-world implications to believers around the world. In many places it is impossible to show your unapproved faith in public (or…
I meant to write these thoughts on my birthday, but as I’ve gotten older time seems to move much more quickly. (Oh, to be 10 again when it seemed like 20 would never come.) A half century has made me appreciate every second of time more; it seems unfair that simultaneously it should pass with increasing rapidity. But,…
Why Do We Assume a God…?
Before an article I posted earlier today, I wrote this on Facebook and Twitter: Why do we assume a God who can create time can only create it from the beginning forward? On Facebook my friend Terrance commented: Elaborate !!! Sounds Interesting To which I responded:
A House of Cards
Today (and maybe yesterday) I ran into multiple links to “Pope Francis wants Catholics to doubt the Church. He’s right.” by Kyle Cupp. I would posit it is two articles in one. The first theme is what led to the title of this post (“A House of Cards”) and has to do with infallible belief…
Reality TV Is…
…morally corrupt. Or so it seems to me. I am not alone: “Survivor Is The Most Morally Contemptible Show On TV” Since I am on a mini-vacation in Santa Fe, New Mexico with my family I won’t go into full blown sermonizing, but seriously think about what reality TV encourages (in its subjects and its…