Bekah Although I knew Bekah had touched so many people the Great Brook gym would be full, I am still awed by the love that is so obvious in such a large crowd–as I am sure her family is too. I am also glad to see that so many of you are starting to develop…
Category: Sermon Notes
No More Tears
During times like these… During times like these…when the loss of a couple saints is so fresh in our minds…it is good to slow down a bit…put this world behind us…and think beyond the limits of what we can see…even with the most powerful telescope. So, let’s leave this earth and take a look at…
Larry’s Wish
Up to Now We are now coming close to our celebration of the life of Larry Warren–and whether we have recognized it or not, every part of this service has been a gift from Larry to us. The songs have been some of Larry’s favorites. The scriptures have reflected Larry’s faith. The poems have described…
No Man Can Know
Knowing more than Socrates While researching the resurrection of the dead, I ran into a related quote from Socrates, a very wise and famous Greek philosopher from the fifth century B.C.–perhaps most known for his method of death (forced to drink hemlock). But before I started typing my notes for this sermon I ran into…
Why, Why, Why?
Taxi Driver One of the benefits of traveling is meeting new people–often taxi cab drivers. Heading back to my hotel from Busch Stadium this past Monday I was blessed by a long chat with a former Ethiopian, Eyasu Reda. The conversation started going biblical when, after I told him how Augie was a bit of…
Bargaining with the Gods
Why a sermon on prayer? At the end of Bible study on Wednesday I asked what folks might like to hear a sermon on…and Winslow suggested prayer since it is the theme of this month. “But prayer is one of my greatest shortcomings!” I protested. “All the more reason to do a sermon on prayer,”…
Fear of Flying
With this sermon it'll be the third time out of four that I have chosen a subject that is too broad to cover in a 30 minute sermon…so I am going to ask Warren to lock the door and we'll spend the rest of the day together. ☺ Okay, okay…perhaps instead we'll reduce it to…
A Brief History of the Paraclete
Many may think that in 1984 the movie, "Revenge of the Nerds," might have made nerdhood popular—allowed nerds to escape the closet and no longer have to hide their pocket protectors. However, I would suggest a book first published in 1988 is more responsible— by Stephen Hawking. Anyone recognize Stephen Hawking's name? [ Wait for…
Out of Nothing
A quick aside… As most everyone sitting here knows, Augie's full name is Augustine—named after Augustine of Hippo, a famous theologian who lived from 354 to 430 A.D. However, some people don't think it should be pronounced uh-gus-ton, but instead aww-gus-steen. At night when I fall alseep…or wake up and need to go back to…
Do a Good Turn Daily
Boy Scout Facts From "Scouting," January-February 2010: The Boy Scouts were officially started by Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell (1857-1941) when he published Scouting for Boys in [ let the congregation say based on it being the 100th anniversary ] 1908. General (in the British Army) Baden-Powell "was officially crowned the first—and only—Chief Scout of the…
Just in Case
Music Addiction Those who have been tortured with listening to me talk in a day-to-day setting know that I’m a bit addicted to music. I’m sure there are plenty who have more than I do…but even without ripping every CD I own, my iPod has over 60GB of music files. It’s not a bad addiction…
When Sacrifice Is an Abomination
Following directions Have you ever followed a teacher or a boss' directions exactly…completed your assignment or task…looked for approval…and then… Been told you totally hosed up? Gotten that bad grade or bad review of your work? [ Assuming most everyone is shaking their heads, note how this seems to be a pretty common experience. ]…
Money (That’s What I Want)
Abu Dhabi Last week I was in Abu Dhabi–The company I work for has provided services to FIFA Club football matches there and a good friend of mine has been running the ticketing. After I dealt with exchanging U.S. dollars for UAE dirhams (and back), saw all the expensive cars zipping down the road (a…
Unequally Yoked (Part 2)
Review Last week I spoke about the active controversy about whether Christians should sign The Manhattan Declaration, a 7-page document that stands up for: the sanctity of human life the dignity of marriage as the conjugal union of husband and wife the rights of conscience and religious liberty. [ ] Although it is well…
Unequally Yoked (Part 1)
The Manhattan Declaration How many out there use social networking sites? Which ones? MySpace? Facebook? Twitter? At this point all I really use is Facebook and Twitter, and there has been quite a controversy amongst Christians on that service under #mdec about The Manhattan Declaration — mainly, whether a Christian should sign it or not….