You know that you have gone too far when the Church of Satan disavows your actions: "Classy: Pro-abortion protesters drown out 'Amazing Grace' with chants of 'Hail Satan'" Resulting in… "Church of Satan distances itself from pro-abortion activists chanting 'Hail Satan!' Turns out Satan is prolife" Reality is, a spirit that would encourage someone to…
Category: Random
Not So Crazy After All
Some folks probably look at Christians as a bit nutty because orthodox ones believe that all humans can be traced back to two original parents (Adam and Eve) about 6,000 years ago. Well, maybe we aren’t so crazy after all… “All Europeans are related if you go back just 1,000 years, scientists say” And, not…
One Man, One Vote…One Time
I remember Charles Krauthammer talking about how tyrants believe in "One man, one vote." "One time." Which, of course, is the time they get voted into office. I think a similar thing happens in Christianity. Someone realizes that denomination(s) have gone outside the Bible for doctrine (or have misinterpreted it)…and (rightly) decides with like-minded people…
We Become Like The God We Worship
I want to add a new part to the adage "We become like the god we worship." We are most likely to emulate our god’s bad attributes.
“It has every available quality except that of being useful.”
Although some might argue that this means I am not a Christian (in that I do not hold all the "common doctrines of Christianity"), I think C.S. Lewis (from Mere Christianity) has the definition of "Christian" right: Far deeper objections may be felt—and have been expressed—against my use of the word Christian to mean one…
JJ Heller’s “Who You Are”
I think it came out yesterday or the day before…but here is JJ (and Dave) Heller's new video, "Who You Are": [youtube=] A great couple who I wish all the success of the world without any of its trappings…
Good Ideas or Bad Ideas?
I was at one of my favorite haunts in Dublin, California (Half Price Books) and saw this: Followed by this: Thoughts? Are these "good ideas"? Now, I can tell you this…whether or not a Liberty Bible or an American Patriot's Pocket Bible is a good idea, this is not:
In Defense of James Dobson
Another large tragedy, another Christian leader taken to task for saying that it might be connected to the judgment of God on America. From what I can tell it first began with an article from Right Wing Watch, “Dobson: Connecticut Shooting was God Allowing ‘Judgment to Fall Upon Us’ for Turning Our Back on Him” which included…
“The Hallelujah Chorus” by the Reed Family
Man, I don't even sound this good to myself while singing in the shower. 🙂 [youtube=] Hat tip to Dan Phillips over at Biblical Christianity for the video. (Via Dan's @BibChr Twitter Handle.)
Christmas Album “Must Haves” (2012 Version)
My list of Christmas album “must haves” are pretty much the same as last year. Let’s just say that…err…being under-employed means Ramen Noodles are a better purchase with a few bucks then even the most inexpensive Amazon MP3 download…although I have convinced my wife to at least let me spend a couple dollars. 🙂 First,…
Is a Rubber Ducky Nativity Sacrilegious?
A few days back I shared a post about "the 42 worst nativity sets" which included a rubber ducky nativity…and today this tweet came through (via a retweet): The rubber duck nativity has arrived – I have warned the congregation this years crib will be different 🙂 Here's the conversation that ensued:
“the 42 worst nativity sets”
I’m of two minds with this post of "the 42 worst nativity sets" (title capitalization the author’s). I think my favorite is the one the thumbnail shows — which I actually believe is cool, not "worst." (The image is from here.) Thoughts? Is it blasphemous to create some of these? (I’d say yes.) Blasphemous to…
Perhaps God wasn't clear enough in this list… 6 "None of you shall approach any one of his close relatives to uncover nakedness. I am the LORD. 7 You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father, which is the nakedness of your mother; she is your mother, you shall not uncover her nakedness. 8 You shall not…
Is Benny Hinn a False Prophet?
Traditores ( is not a “discernment ministry.” However, I promised friend on Twitter that I would provide evidence that Benny Hinn is a false prophet. Since it’ll be a wee bit difficult to do that in 140 character pieces, I’m writing this post instead. 🙂 First, when I say “false prophet,” I am talking about…
Thoughts from the Day After
Admittedly depressed and worried…here are my initial Twitter thoughts from November 7, 2012 (from looking at what is being tweeted…including by Christians): Ultimately, I think my "A Christian Voter's Guide," "A Christian Voter's Guide (2012)," and "Christian Voter's Guide Bible Study" say much of what…