I’m a member of the Why Would Anyone Follow Jesus? launch team. Nothin’ special other than me preordering the book by Ray Comfort and then asking to join. 🙂
As part of it it, I get access through NetGallery to a pre-release version. Great stuff already, and this really jumped out at me:
Here’s the problem with addressing the human intellect. If somebody is talked into faith through and intellectual argument, all it will take is a better intellectual argument to talk them out of their faith.
I think it important to state that Comfort is not making an argument against providing intellectual reasons to believe (he was doing that very thing prior to the quote I provided). Instead, he is pointing out that intellectual arguments have their limits:
However, when the new birth comes to an unbeliever, the moment someone truly believes, they are transformed into a new person (see 2 Cor 5:17).
And Ray elaborates more from there.
I believe the book is due to be released on March 8. You should preorder it too. 🙂
(Cross-posted on my Nibbles Nija blog.)
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