Not to be negative, but… P.S. I’ve got quite a few Bibles in my Logos electronic collection.
Category: Pastoral
2023 New Year’s Resolutions
Happy New Year! May 2023 be the best year ever for you and yours. Right or wrong, illogical or not, New Year’s Day is a good time to make resolutions. Yeah, maybe it is an excuse to procrastinate (e.g. Why didn’t you start doing X or Y months ago?) Maybe we are setting ourselves up…
How Do You Want to Be Remembered?
Today’s Bible reading (2 Chronicles 12-34) had, within it, a study in contrasts. First, a king of Judah dies: 18 After all this, the LORD afflicted Jehoram with an incurable disease of the bowels. 19 In the course of time, at the end of the second year, his bowels came out because of the disease, and he…
“For I am sure…”
For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. – Romans 8:38-39 (ESV)
The Problem with Intellectual Arguments for Jesus
I’m a member of the Why Would Anyone Follow Jesus? launch team. Nothin’ special other than me preordering the book by Ray Comfort and then asking to join. 🙂 As part of it it, I get access through NetGallery to a pre-release version. Great stuff already, and this really jumped out at me: Here’s the…
Are Generational Curses “Like Father, Like Son”?
I’m reading through the Bible again this year, and am in Genesis. Previously, I’ve seen Abraham, to protect himself, pretend his wife is his sister. (Clearly, “courting” back then could involve murdering your competition, the existing husband.) You can find those instances in Genesis 12:14-20 and Genesis 20. This morning (and I was a day…
Do Embellished Rules Encourage Sin?
Okay, first a disclaimer: the Bible is not exhaustive, so you have to be careful about making an argument from silence. Having said that, please consider how the prohibition against eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is given in Genesis 2:15-17 (NIV): The LORD God took the man and put…
New Year’s Resolutions (2022)
Was 2021 a hard year for you? I suspect for most, even if it wasn’t “hard,” it at least had a downward slope. Thus, why I like this humorous graphic from 🙂 Personally, other than the sense of malaise that COVID-19, politics, and the economy provided, I cannot complain. I remained employed in a…
Why Jesus?
Why Jesus? Less than Half News came out this week that, per Gallup, fewer than half of Americans belong to a congregation (and that's not just counting Christian churches). Only 47% do. Now, it can be claimed that one can be "spiritual" without being "religious" and "spiritual" and/or "religious" without attending church. However, I would…
Happy Easter! (2020)
Perhaps the three most important words in the Bible: “He has risen.” On this Easter, may you also be able say, “I have seen the Lord.” Happy Easter everyone. Know that you are loved by the One who the grave had no power over.
Collateral Damage
Punishing the Class I’m going to assume two things of everyone here. First, that during school you were (or are) perfect angels. Never the troublemakers. Always the innocent, well-behaved bystanders. Second, that you’ll relate to this experience… You are just there, doing what the teacher wants, as white as snow…but the other kids in class…
Be Like Daniel
Be Like Daniel Daniel Duda We didn’t have church last weekend, because I was in Redlands, California visiting a non-profit I volunteer for. It was a recording weekend for them, and the speaker/facilitator was Daniel Duda. Now, even though this sermon is titled “Be Like Daniel” and I think Daniel Duda would generally be a good…
Short and Sweet
Power of Three I’ve mentioned before that if you are doing a presentation, there is a power of three. For instance, on a page supporting a given idea, only have three bullets. Not two, not five, but three. This sermon is titled “Short and Sweet.” you might say three concise bullets are exactly that, “short…
The Price of Fame
Megachurches Has anyone else here attended a megachurch? Wikipedia says… A megachurch is defined by the Hartford Institute as any Protestant Christian church having 2,000 or more people in average weekend attendance.[1][2][3][4] The Oxford English Dictionary defines the term, first documented in 1984, as a church with an unusually large membership, especially one preaching a…
Don’t Judge Mephibosheth Too Quickly
Don’t Judge Mephibosheth Too Quickly Pronouncing Names Am I the only person, when they run into a hard name in the Bible, basically reads past it? And there are a lot of names like that in Scripture, eh? 🙂 However, before we try to pronounce the name of the main biblical character in today’s message,…